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thuparama vihara

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Thuparamaya is an ancient Buddhist stupa (dagoba) located in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. Here are some key points about Thuparamaya:

  1. Historical Significance: Thuparamaya is considered to be the first Buddhist stupa built in Sri Lanka after the introduction of Buddhism to the island during the reign of King Devanampiya Tissa in the 3rd century BC. It marks a significant milestone in Sri Lanka’s Buddhist history.
  2. Construction: The stupa was built by King Devanampiya Tissa to enshrine the right collarbone relic of the Buddha, which was brought to Sri Lanka by Mahinda Thera, the son of Emperor Ashoka of India. The construction of Thuparamaya initiated the tradition of building stupas in Sri Lanka to enshrine relics of the Buddha and became a model for subsequent stupa construction on the island.
  3. Architecture: Thuparamaya exhibits early Sri Lankan Buddhist architectural features. The stupa is constructed with bricks and stands on a square platform, with a hemispherical dome rising above it. The stupa is surrounded by a circular courtyard and has a pradakshina (circumambulatory path) for devotees to walk around it in a clockwise direction.
  4. Restoration: Over the centuries, Thuparamaya underwent several renovations and restorations to maintain its structural integrity and preserve its historical significance. The most notable restoration occurred in the 19th century under the auspices of the British colonial government.
  5. Religious Observances: Thuparamaya remains an active religious site and a place of worship for Buddhists in Sri Lanka. Devotees visit the stupa to offer prayers, make offerings, and meditate in its serene surroundings. It is especially revered during Buddhist festivals and poya days (full moon days).
  6. Surroundings: Thuparamaya is located within the sacred precincts of Anuradhapura, surrounded by other ancient monuments such as the Ruwanwelisaya, Jetavanaramaya, and Sri Maha Bodhi. The area is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and attracts tourists and pilgrims interested in exploring Sri Lanka’s rich Buddhist heritage.
  7. Cultural Heritage: Thuparamaya is not only a religious site but also a symbol of Sri Lanka’s ancient civilization and cultural heritage. It stands as a testament to the island’s long-standing Buddhist tradition and its role as a center of Buddhist learning and worship in South Asia.

Overall, Thuparamaya holds a special place in the hearts of Sri Lankans and Buddhists worldwide as a sacred site associated with the introduction and propagation of Buddhism in Sri Lanka.

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